This product was developed with the aim of strengthening the muscles of the toes, using the traditional Japanese footwear (ashinaka) as a hint. Ashinaka have been worn since before the Kamakura period(700years ago), but in recent years, shoes have taken the lead role in footwear. With this change, we have lost muscle strength in our toes. We hope that this product will restore your toes’ muscular strength as much as possible.
【Use applications】
This product is for walking. It is not intended for use in running or other sports.
It can be used for daily wear and for commuting.
【Use time】
Since the inner sole of this shoe has a special structure, please keep the usage time to within 10 minutes on the first day and extend it by 10 minutes a day if there is no pain or discomfort on your feet after the second day. If you experience pain, discontinue use immediately and resume use when the pain is gone. After restarting, please limit use to within 10 minutes again.
【Proper wearing】 * The pictures shown are wearing ASHINAKA#01, to help explain how your toes should be used in the wearing of GRIPDROP ORIGINAL#01 shoes.
The best position is as shown in the picture, where you can grasp the front edge of the raised sole with five toes. If that is not possible due to your foot type, wear it in a position where you can grasp it with your little toe (fifth toe). It is more important to grasp with the little toe rather than the big toe. You don't have to grab firmly, lightly touching the edges is enough. * Since it is worn in the gripped condition, your toes may overhang the front of the raised portion of the sole. This is not a problem. If you are worried, change the position of the clips on the heel to adjust.
Please wear with the heel firmly on the ground. Walking with your heel raised may damage the Achilles tendon. Especially for those who are used to high heels, your Achilles tendon will be in a stretched out position, so be sure to adhere to recommended usage times, to prevent injury. Gently place the entire sole of your foot directly under the body as you walk. Presently, most people have “floating toes” (where they are not touching the ground). Stand, looking straight ahead, barefoot on a hard floor and insert a postcard between your little toes. If the card fits between the toes without resistance, they are “floating toes”. For a start, let's aim to train at least the fifth toe to always be on the ground when standing barefoot.
One of the causes of weakened toe muscles is asphalt and paving, causing lack of diversity in trodden surfaces. In terms of diversity of the sole environment, we also recommend using ORIGINAL#01 every other day.
【Cleaning method】
Use only tap water and wash by hand to remove dirt. To prevent the deterioration of the material, we recommend that you do not use detergent, if possible. If detergent is necessary to remove dirt, dilute delicate or hand-wash detergent with water and rinse thoroughly. Avoid high temperatures such as dryers, and dry in well-ventilated shade.
※For socks to match ORIGINAL#01, we recommend "Tabi Type High Socks for ORIGINAL#01". [Black, Gray, Mustard]
Click here for details ↓ ↓ ↓
【Shipping Notes】
If the delivery address is outside of Japan, customs duties may be added to the total purchase price.